Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dishonest Fox Chart: Bush Tax Cut Edition | Blog | Media Matters for America

Dishonest Fox Chart: Bush Tax Cut Edition | Blog | Media Matters for America:

Dishonest Fox Chart: Bush Tax Cut Edition

Fox Business used a graphic with a badly distorted scale to exaggerate the effect that the expiration of the Bush tax cuts would have on the rich.
Here's how Fox Business' Cavuto presented a return to the Clinton-era tax rate of 39.6 percent on the top income bracket, from the Bush-era rate of 35 percent:
Here's what that increase of 4.6 percentage points looks like on a more realistic scale:
Fox has a lot of trouble making charts that are accurate and fair, having aired misleading graphics on gas taxes and statistics about unemployment, among other subjects.

'via Blog this'

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