Friday, August 10, 2012

Chicago Humanities Festival | Politics & Policy for Mother Jones

Chicago Humanities Festival | Politics & Policy for Mother Jones:


Welcome, Mother Jones DC Decoder readers. At CHF, we are ardent about the arts and humanities. CHF believes engagement in public affairs and the accessibility to ideas fosters growth and creates dialogue within a community. We create opportunities for people of all ages to support, enjoy, and explore the humanities, and through this mission, we offer discussions, ideas for the future, and free access to over 200 pieces of video and audio content 24 hours a day, every day.
Like Mother Jones's DC Decoder, CHF wants to immerse you in cultural matters. Whether it is performance, literature, architecture, or music, our resources are always available. For this issue of DC Decoder we’ve assembled a roster of videos. In these videos you’ll hear from people who inspire us, influence us, and advocate for us

'via Blog this'

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