When will the callous disregard for human life end? Have those steadfast on obstructing and delaying the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) not understand that they will be causing the suffering and likely deaths of many because of their failed ideology. What do they have to offer citizens if they were miraculously able to stymie Obamacare? The answer is the same it has been for decades; nothing.
What is true is that over the last several months Republican politicians have been in a competition with themselves. It has been a competition as to who can be the most aggressive in obstructing the President on every issue. At no time is the well-being of American citizens considered. It has been simply a visceral hate for the President and his policies no matter how many people it helps.
Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens (R) is the latest candidate attempting to out macho other Republicans in what he is doing to obstruct Obamacare. When one listens to the thrill in his voice on how he intends to attempt to stymie the health insurance exchanges, it is rather scary. It is hard to believe that politicians would attempt to use the law in Jim Crow fashion to cause actual harm to the citizens of their state. What is even scarier is the response, the applause, and cheers by the audience. Can they not see the evil in their actions?
The Affordable Care Act made provisions for ‘navigators’. These are people hired by organizations to help people purchase health insurance policies. The federal government is offering training programs and grants to help create these ‘navigators’. In order to obstruct this process, Hudgens says in the video below,
The problem is Obamacare. We’ve got to now determine what we can do to solve that problem. Let me tell you what we are doing; everything in our power to be an obstructionist.You have probably have heard about the exchanges. Well exchanges are coming to Georgia, not the state is not setting them up. The federal government is going to set them up.But we have passed a law and with the help of senator McCoon and others, we havepassed a law that says that a navigator, which is a position in that exchange, has to be licensed by our Department of Insurance.The ObamaCare law says that we cannot require them to be an insurance agent, so we said fine, we’ll just require them to be a licensed navigator. So we’re going to make up the test, and basically you take the insurance agent test, you erase the name, you write ‘navigator test’ on it
He has also stated that Georgia has passed a law that forces insurance companies to state specifically that any rate increases are not the fault of the Governor, general assembly, or department of insurance but because of Obamacare. In other words irrespective of reasons, he forces insurance companies to lie.
Americans are waking up. Several town halls have proven that the expectations many Republicans had that opponents of Obamacare would storm town halls did not materialize. In fact the opposite has occurred (see here and here).
One can only hope that Democrats fight with this same intensity promoting Obamacare. Moreover one hopes the Democrats will campaign on Obamacare during the 2014 campaign. There is ample video of many Republicans who in order to placate the Tea Party overtly take positions on Obamacare that hurt the well-being of their constituencies. As Obamacare is rolled out successfully in states that put the well-being of their citizens ahead of ideology, state run by obstructionist will kick them out of office as citizens realize they were lied to.
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