Saturday, September 8, 2012

CHARTS: Yes, We're Better Off Than We Were Four Years Ago | ThinkProgress

CHARTS: Yes, We're Better Off Than We Were Four Years Ago | ThinkProgress:

CHARTS: Yes, We’re Better Off Than We Were Four Years Ago

The Romney campaign this week is basing its message off of former President Reagan’s “are you better off?” question from his 1980 campaign, even though Romney himself admitted in an interview earlier this year that “of course [the economy is] getting better” under President Obama. And the numbers don’t lie.
While the economy is only recovering slowly, the trend lines when it comes to jobs, wealth, and the success of American business are all moving in the right direction, as these charts by the Center for American Progress Action Fund’s Christian Weller show:
See more charts here. Four years ago, the economy was gripped by financial panic, with hundreds of thousands of jobs being shed each month. Now, the economy is adding jobs (too slowly), while the government has new powers to rein in the financial sector and hopefully prevent a repeat of the 2008 crisis.

'via Blog this'

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