Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cell Phone Shutdown in San Francisco Mubarak-Style

Cell Phone Shutdown in San Francisco Mubarak-Style:
"By Eva Galperin, Electronic Frontier Foundation 14 August 11"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CHILLING! A blow-by-blow account of killing Osama - News

CHILLING! A blow-by-blow account of killing Osama - News

Credibility, Chutzpah and Debt - Paul Krugman

Credibility, Chutzpah and Debt -
(Defeating the extremists blocking any kind of responsible policy.
Standard and Poor, caused the 2008 collapse by their grading Toxic real estate asset as A grade.

The Centrist Cop-Out -

The Centrist Cop-Out - "OP-ED COLUMNIST
The Centrist Cop-Out
Published: July 28, 2011"

The President Surrenders on Debt Ceiling -

The President Surrenders on Debt Ceiling - "OP-ED COLUMNIST
The President Surrenders
Published: July 31, 2011"

Robert Reich (Ransom Paid)

Robert Reich (Ransom Paid) on poor negotiating skills of Obama Admin

Web Extra: Eliot Spitzer on 'Murdochgate' and more | Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Web Extra: Eliot Spitzer on 'Murdochgate' and more | Countdown with Keith Olbermann:
"Keith Olbermann
August 9, 2011 at 11:00 pm"

Global Credit Rating Portal - Standard & Poor's

Global Credit Rating Portal - Standard & Poor's

United States of America Long-Term
Rating Lowered To 'AA+' On
Political Risks And Rising Debt
Burden; Outlook Negative

Did Obama Get Rolled? | The New Republic

Did Obama Get Rolled? | The New Republic
(Four reasons why Obama unnecessarily gave away his store.)

Monday, August 8, 2011

What Happened to Obama’s Passion? -

What Happened to Obama’s Passion? -
"By DREW WESTEN Published: August 6, 2011"

From Heroes to Villains: NOPD Verdict Reveals Post-Katrina History | AlterNet

From Heroes to Villains: NOPD Verdict Reveals Post-Katrina History | AlterNet: "In an historic verdict with national implications, five New Orleans police officers were convicted on Friday of civil rights violations for killing unarmed African Americans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and could face life in prison when sentenced later this year. The case, involving a grisly encounter on the Danziger Bridge, was the most high-profile of a number of prosecutions that seek to hold police accountable for violence in the storm’s wake."