Thursday, June 23, 2011

Clarence Thomas Must Go | Truthout

Clarence Thomas Must Go | Truthout(because of his ethics violations)

Koch Brothers' Campaign to Kill Social Security

Koch Brothers' Campaign to Kill Social Security

VIDEO: Taibbi: US Politics - Reality Show Sponsored by Wall Street

VIDEO: Taibbi: US Politics - Reality Show Sponsored by Wall Street
No consequences of fraud - will result in repeat of the criminal activity.

The Truth About The Economy In 2 Minutes | MoveOn.Org

The Truth About The Economy In 2 Minutes | MoveOn.Org
1. Economy doubles since 1980, but wages flat. Where did the money go?
2. All gains from the economy go to the super rich. and...
3. With money comes political power. Tax on Super rich slashed, revenues evaporate. This leads to...
4. Huge budget deficit. Middle class, fights for scraps.
5. Middle class divided. Buying and borrowing slow. Resulting in:
6. Anemic recovery.

Monday, June 20, 2011

How Goldman Execs Screwed Their Clients and Lied to Congress: | Rolling Stone Politics | Photos

How Goldman Execs Screwed Their Clients and Lied to Congress: | Rolling Stone Politics | Photos
Goldman Sachs executives & Wall Street, made money on America's misery by betting on their clients. Pictures of the persons involved.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rachel Maddow: Beyond politics, GOP attacks democracy itself

Rachel Maddow: Beyond politics, GOP attacks democracy itself
Republican operators Indicted for voter suppression in Maryland. The new rules being made to suppress vote.

Rachel Maddow: Perrys Texas not so miraculous

Rachel Maddow: Perrys Texas not so miraculous
Texas has the worst economy - Texas deficit $9.0Billion.

Friday, June 10, 2011

YouTube - 101 EAST - India: Eat, pray, give

YouTube - 101 EAST - India: Eat, pray, give
Story of Krishnan feeding the poor and homeless. A story of variety of misery, superstition and compassion.

Colbert Report: STOP FRACKING NOW! Tell Congress to pass the FRAC Act

STOP FRACKING NOW! Tell Congress to pass the FRAC Act
Colbert Report 6:20 min.

Obama Holds Big 2012 Lead Over Republicans

As of June 9, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Howard Dean: Palin Could Beat Obama

Howard Dean: Palin Could Beat Obama: "Howard Dean: Palin Could Beat Obama
By Alexander Bolton, The Hill
04 June 11"

How a Democracy Works

How a Democracy Works: "How a Democracy Works
On Dream act and immigration reform.
By The New York Times | Editorial
04 June 11"

Why the Rich Love High Unemployment | Truthout

Why the Rich Love High Unemployment | Truthout

Wage and Benefit Growth Hits Historic Low -

Wage and Benefit Growth Hits Historic Low -

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rachel Maddow: Taxpayers have GOP gov. buyers remorse

Rachel Maddow: Taxpayers have GOP gov. buyers remorse
Interesting discussion as to how republican actions are moving Independents to Dems.