Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doc Hastings on Government Reform

Doc Hastings on Government Reform
Doc Hastings voting record.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thank George W. ... Again

Thank George W. ... Again
Just As We Suspected Dept: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has updated a widely cited chart to show that Bush-era tax cuts to the rich and two ill-advised wars - not the economic downturn - are primarily responsible for the massive debt now driving Republicans to cut health, education, social services and every other remotely useful program. As usual, the visuals speak louder than any numbers.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rachel Maddow: GOP eager to leave May behind

Rachel Maddow: GOP eager to leave May behind
They are loosing everywhere.
Supreme court Justice Clarence Thomas's wife is taking money from those who come before court and Clarance is not reusing himself.

Friday, May 20, 2011

What Osama told Muslims in his last message - Rediff.com News

What Osama told Muslims in his last message - Rediff.com News

One Lawman With the Guts to Go After Wall Street

One Lawman With the Guts to Go After Wall Street

Senate Refuses to End Tax Breaks for Big Oil

Senate Refuses to End Tax Breaks for Big Oil
Three Democrats voted for Tax Breaks: Mary Landrieu(Lousina, Mark Begich(Alaska) & Ben Nelson(Nebraska)
Two Republican Senators voted to end the Tax Breaks: Susan Collins & Olympia Snowe.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Billionaire Koch Brothers’ War Against Obama : The New Yorker

The Billionaire Koch Brothers’ War Against Obama : The New Yorker: "A REPORTER AT LARGECOVERT OPERATIONSThe billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.
by Jane Mayer"

Koch Brothers Under Attack by Robert Greenwald

Koch Brothers Under Attack by Robert Greenwald:

"Robert Greenwald is taking the fight to billionaires David and Charles Koch, who fund much of the US's rightwing politics."

Paul Krugman: Held Hostage Over the Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com

Held Hostage Over the Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com
Congress keeping Govt hostage - President needs to act

Monday, May 16, 2011

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout:
"The con­ser­vative 'pro­duc­er and para­site' anti-tax philoso­phy is fund­amen­tal­ly at odds with the con­cepts of de­moc­ra­cy (which they pro­ud­ly acknow­ledge - see more here, and here) and should be un­derstood and criticized as such. Taxes do not 'take money out of the economy' they en­able the economy. The rich do not 'create jobs, We, the Peo­ple create jobs"

Obama Pushes for Increase in Domestic Oil Production | Truthout

Obama Pushes for Increase in Domestic Oil Production | Truthout:
"U.S. oil pro­duc­tion rose from 4.95 mill­ion bpd in 2008 to 5.36 mill­ion bpd in 2009, fol­lowed by 5.5 mill­ion bpd last year, even with the BP dis­ast­er in the Gulf of Mexico. The En­er­gy In­for­ma­tion Ad­ministra­tion forecasts U.S. pro­duc­tion to hold at that level this year and rise again next year, to 5.54 mill­ion bpd."

FOX "News" Obsessively Incites Racism. It's Not Even Debatable. | BuzzFlash.org

FOX "News" Obsessively Incites Racism. It's Not Even Debatable. | BuzzFlash.org

How Fox News Outfoxes Americans

How Fox News Outfoxes Americans

Was the Bin Laden raid a manhunt or an intelligence grab? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Was the Bin Laden raid a manhunt or an intelligence grab? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
Argues that Zip drives and other info were a major reason for invasion of OBL campus.

OBL - The real story: Did a Pakistani official sell info to CIA to settle in the West?

The real story: Did a Pakistani official sell info to CIA to settle in the West?

The US: Where Europe Comes to Slum

The US: Where Europe Comes to Slum: "By Los Angeles Times | Editorial, 15 May 11"

Thursday, May 12, 2011

It stinks - FCC Commissioner Approves Merger, Then Goes to Work for NBC-Comcast | AlterNet

FCC Commissioner Approves Merger, Then Goes to Work for NBC-Comcast | AlterNet: "the Republican on the board of commissioners that approved the ruling, Meredith Attwell Baker, has taken a plum lobbying position for the company for which she did a solid just four months ago."

Matt Taibbi: Gingrich Enters GOP Freak Show!

Gingrich Enters GOP Freak Show!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lotto Nation Confirmed by Oblerman

Lotto Nation Confirmed http://bcove.me/722mm7zf by Keith Oblerman

President Obama, ‘60 Minutes’ deliver Sunday’s biggest audience – The TV Guy – Orlando Sentinel

President Obama, ‘60 Minutes’ deliver Sunday’s biggest audience – The TV Guy – Orlando Sentinel
13.8 million viewers watched this episode of News Magazine 60 minutes on May 8th.

Millionaires who owe no federal income tax - May. 9, 2011

Millionaires who owe no federal income tax - May. 9, 2011: "Millionaires who owe no federal income tax
By Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer May 9, 2011: 5:25 AM ET"

Is the Pakistan government a puppet? - Videos - World - IBNLive

Is the Pakistan government a puppet? - Videos - World - IBNLive
Dr. Ayesha Siddika - political scientist & Abdul Bashir Ahmed - ex-Indian ambassador - on the OBL execution in Pak. by Suhasini Haidar.

Life with bin Laden: His bodyguard talks - 60 Minutes Overtime - CBS News

Life with bin Laden: His bodyguard talks - 60 Minutes Overtime - CBS News
Video of OBL's bodyguard talks.

60 Minutes, 05.08.11 - 60 Minutes - CBS News

60 Minutes, 05.08.11 - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Video of President Obama talking about OBL

Killing Bin Laden: The President's Story, Part 2 - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Killing Bin Laden: The President's Story, Part 2 - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Video - on 8th May.